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Minority Enterprise Development Week (Proc. 7333) Montenegro; waiver of restrictions on as- sistance (Presidential Determination No. 2001-07, p. 410) Monuments, national Agua Fria National Monument; estab- lishment (Proc. 7263) California Coastal National Monu- ment; establishment (Proc. 7264) Canyons of the Ancients National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7317) Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7318) Craters of the Moon National Monu- ment; boundary enlargement (Proc. 7373) Giant Sequoia National Monument; es- tablishment (Proc. 7295) Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7265) Hanford Reach National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7319) Ironwood Forest National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7320) Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve; establish- ment (E.G. 13178) Pinnacles National Monument; bound- ary enlargement (Proc. 7266) President Lincoln and Soldiers' Home National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7329) Vermilion Cliffs National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7374) Mother's Day (Proc. 7305) Mozambique; disaster assistance (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-17, p. 385) National Park Week (Proc. 7293) Native Americans; tribal government consulation and cooperation (E.O. 13175) Navy Submarine Force, 100th Anniver- sary of the U.S. (Proc. 7363) New Caledonia; termination of duty-free treatment (Proc. 7328) Nigeria Beneficiary developing country status under Generalized System of Pref- erences (Proc. 7335) Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-16, p. 358) Northwestern Hawaian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve; establishment (E.G. 13178) Nuclear weapons workers; compensation (E.G. 13179) O Offsets in Commercial Trade, President's Council on the Use of; establishment (E.G. 13177) Offsets in Defense Trade, National Com- mission on the Use of; amendment (E.G. 13177) Older Americans Month (Proc. 7301) Older Workers Employment Week, Na- tional (Proc. 7345) Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, National (Proc. 7292) Ovarian Cancer Awareness Week (Proc. 7342) Pakistan; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Palestine Liberation Organization; sus- pension of restrictions on U.S. rela- tions (Presidential Determination No. 00-19, p. 388) Pan American Day and Pan American Week (Proc. 7288) Panama; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Paraguay; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Parents' Day (Proc. 7331) Partnership Council, National; amend- ment (E.G. 13156) Peace Officers Memorial Day (Proc. 7307) Peral Harbor Remembrance Day, Na- tional (Proc. 7385) Peru; narcotics control (Presidential De- termination No. 00-16, p. 358) Pinnacles National Monument; boundary enlargement (Proc. 7266) Poison Prevention Week, National (Proc. 7281) Police Week (Proc. 7307) PGW/MIA Recognition Day, National (Proc. 7340) Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day (Proc. 7315) Prayer, National Day of (Proc. 7303) President Lincoln and Soldiers' Home National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7329) Princeville, North Carolina, President's Council on the Future of; establish- ment (E.G. 13146) 451

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