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Title 3--The President

Groom Lake, NV, Air Force's operating location near; classified information (Presidential Determination No. 00-30, p. 400) Guatemala; narcotics control (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Haiti; narcotics control (Presidential De- termination No. 00-16, p. 358) Hanford Reach National Monument; es- tablishment (Proc. 7319) Health in Aging Month (Proc. 7337) Health information; protecting patient privacy in oversight investigations (E.G. 13181) Heart Month, American (Proc. 7271) Hispanic Heritage Month, National (Proc. 7338) Historically Black Colleges and Univer- sities Week, National (Proc. 7339) HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals and tech- nologies; granting access for countries of sub-Saharan Africa (E.G. 13155) Hong Kong; narcotics control (Presi- dential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Honor, Day of (Proc. 7313) Human Rights Day and Human Rights Week (Proc. 7386) Human Rights Day, Helsinki (Proc. 7332) Israel; suspension of limitations on secu- rity funding for the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem (Presidential Determination Nos. 00-24, p. 392; 01-06, p. 410) Jamaica; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Jerusalem Embassy Act; suspension of funding limitations (Presidential De- termination Nos. 00-24, p. 392; 01-06, p. 410) Jewish Heritage Week (Proc. 7302) K Korea, Republic of; transfer of obsolete or surplus defense articles (Memo- randum of July 5, p. 394) Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDG); U.S. contribu- tion (Presidential Determination Nos. 00-15, p. 356; No. 00-25, p. 393; No. 00-31, p. 402) Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, Na- tional (Proc. 7324) Korean war; 50th anniversary (Proc. 7324) Kosovo Campaign Medal; establishment (E.G. 13154) Kyrgyzstan; normal trade relations (Proc. 7326) Immigration; migration and refugee as- sistance (Presidential Determination No. 01-05, p. 409) India Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-16, p. 358) Waiver of sanctions (Presidential De- termination No. 00-18, p. 386) International entities; U.S. contributions (Presidential Determination No. 00-10, p. 350) Iran Nonproliferation efforts (Memorandum of Sept. 11, p. 399) State of emergency (Notices of Mar. 13, p. 386; Nov. 9, p. 407) Iraq; state of emergency (Notice of July 28, p. 396) Irish-American Heritage Month (Proc. 7279) Ironwood National Monument; establish- ment (Proc. 7320) Laos; narcotics control (Presidential De- termination No. 00-16, p. 358) Law Day, U.S.A. (Proc. 7298) Leif Erikson Day (Proc. 7358) Library of Congress; bicentennial (Proc. 7296) Line pipe, carbon-quality; imports (Memorandum of Feb. 18, p. 353; Proc. 7274) Loyalty Day (Proc. 7300) Malta; suspension of duty-free treatment (Proc. 7328) Marine protected areas (E.G. 13158) Maritime Day, National (Proc. 7312) Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holiday (Proc. 7268) Mexico; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-16, p. 358) Middle East; state of emergency relating to terrorists who threaten to disrupt peace process (Notice of Jan. 19, p. 345) 45O

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