Title 3--The President
Captive Nations Week (Proc. 7330) Caribbean Basin; trade partnership act implementation (Proc. 7351) Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument; establishment (Proc. 7318) Census Day (Proc. 7286) Character Counts Week, National (Proc. 7365) Charter Schools Week, National (Proc. 7297) Child Abuse Prevention Month, National (Proc. 7285) Child Health Day (Proc. 7349) Children's Day, National (Proc. 7356) China Exports of high-perfom\177ance com- puters (Memorandum of Jan. 5, p. 344) Missile Technology Control Regime; compliance (Memorandum of Jan. 5, p. 345) Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-\1776, p. 358) Normal trade relations (Presidential Determination No. 00-23, p. 392) Citizenship Day and Constitution Week (Proc. 7343) Colombia Certification on assistance (Presi- dential Detem\177ination No. 00-28, p. 398) Narcotics control (Presidential Deter- mination No. 00-16, p. 358) State of emergency (Notice of Oct. 19, p. 405) Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, Na- tional (Proc. 7276) Columbus Day (Proc. 7357) Commissions, boards, committees, etc. Adults With Disabilities, National Task Force on Employment of; amendment (E.O. 13172) Air Traffic Organization; establish- ment (E.O. 13180) Complementary and Alternative Medi- cine Policy, White House Commis- sion on Amendment (E.O. \1773\17767) Establishment (E.O. \1773147) Drug Use in Sports, White House Task Force on; establishment (E.O. \1773\17765) Economic Opportunity in Commu- nities Dependent on Tobacco Pro- duction While Protecting Public Health, President's Commission on Improving; establishment (E.O. \1773\17768) Offsets in Commercial Trade, Presi- dent's Council on the Use of; estab- lishment (E.O. 13\17777) Offsets in Defense Trade, National Commission on the Use of; amend- ment (E.O. \1773\17777) Partnership Council, National; amend- ment (E.O. \1773156) Princeville, North Carolina, Presi- dent's Council on the Future of; es- tablishment (E.O. \1773\17746) Puerto Rico's Status, President's Task Force on; establishment (E.O. \1773\17783) San Joaquin Valley, Interagency Task Force on the Economic Develop- ment of the Central; establishment (E.O. 13\17773) Transition Coordinating Council, Pres- idential; establishment (E.O. \1773\17776) Workers, Communities, and Economic Change in the New Economy, Com- mission on; establishment (E.O. \1773174) Complementary and Alternative Medi- cine Policy, White House Commission on Amendment (E.O. \1773\17767) Establishment (E.O. \1773\17747) Computers, high-performance and mili- tarily sensitive technology; exports and transfer (Memorandum of Jan. 5, p. 344) Consumer Protection Week, National (Proc. 7272) Craters of the Moon National Monu- ment; boundary enlargement (Proc. 7373) Crime Victims' Rights Week, National (Proc. 7290) Cuba; state of emergency (Notice of Feb. 25, p. 357) D D.A.R.E. Day, National (Proc. 7291) Defense, national; exports of high-per- formance computers and transfers of militarily sensitive technology (Memo- randurn of Jan. 5, p. 344) Defense Transportation Day, National (Proc. 7308) Disability Employment Awareness Month, National (Proc. 7347) Domestic Violence Awareness Month, National (Proc. 7348) Dominican Republic; narcotics control (Presidential Determination No. 00-\1776, p. 358) Drug Use in Sports, White House Task Force on; establishment (E.O. \1773\17765) Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, National (Proc. 7384) 448