Table 5--Statutes Cited As Authority
SHORT TITLE OF ACT--Continued Title PresidentJul Document Elementary and Secondary Edu- cation Act of 1965. Emergency Supplemental Act, FY 2000. Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 ..... Sec. 490(b)(1)(A) Sec. 503(a) Trade Act of 1974 ........................... United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act. Victims of Trafficking and Vio- lence Protection Act of 2000. EO 13153 Presidential Determination No. 2000-28, p. 398 EO 13179 Presidential Determination No. 2000-16, p. 358 Presidential Determination No. 2000-13, p. 353 Procs. 7273, 7274, 7314, 7325, 7328, 7335, 7350, 7351, 7383, 7388 Procs. 7351, 7388 Presidential Determination No. 2001-03, p. 405 443