Table 3--Other Presidential Documents
Signatm'e Date Subject 65 FR Page 2000 July 21 ...... July 28 ...... Aug. 3 ...... Aug. 21 .... Aug. 22 .... Sept. 11 .... Sept. 12 .... Sept. 19 .... Sept. 22 .... Sept. 28 .... Sept. 29 .... Sept. 29 .... Oct. 19 ..... Oct. 28 ..... Oct. 31 ..... Oct. 31 ..... Nov. 9 ...... Nov. 9 ...... Presidential Determination No. 2000-27: Determination To Authorize the Furnishing of Emergency Military Assist- ance to the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL), Countries Participating in UNAMSIL, and Other Countries Involved in Peacekeeping Efforts or Af- filiated Coalition Operations With Respect to Sierra Leone. Notice: Continuation of Iraqi Emergency ............................... Notice: Continuation of Emergency Regarding Export Con- trol Regulations. Memorandum: Delegation of Responsibility Under the Open-Market Reorganization for the Betterment of Inter- national Telecommunications (ORBIT) Act. Presidential Determination No. 2000-28: Presidential Deter- mination on Waiver of Certification Under Section 3201 "Conditions on Assistance for Colombia," in Title III, Chapter 2 of the Emergency Supplemental Act, FY 2000, as Enacted in Public Law 106-246. Memorandum: Delegation of Authority Under the Iran Non- proliferation Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-178). Presidential Determination No. 2000-29: Continuation of the Exercise of Certain Authorities Under the Trading With the Enemy Act. Presidential Determination No. 2000-30: Classified Infor- mation Concerning the Air Force's Operating Location Near Groom Lake, Nevada. Notice: Contiuation of Emergency With Respect to UNITA Presidential Determination No. 2000-31: Transfer of Eco- nomic Support Funds, Peacekeeping Operations Funds, and Foreign Military Financing Funds to the Inter- national Organizations and Programs Account and Use of Funds To Provide a U.S. Contribution of $29,407,000 to the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO). Presidential Determination No. 2000-32: Presidential Deter- ruination on FY 2001 Refugee Admissions Numbers and Authorizations of In-Country Refugee Status Pursuant to Sections 207 and 101(a)(42), Respectively, of the Immi- gration and Nationality Act, and Determination Pursuant to Section 2(b)(2) of the Migration and Refugee Assist- ance Act, as Amended. Presidential Determination No. 2000-33: Military Draw- down for Tunisia. Notice: Continuation of Emergency With Respect to Signifi- cant Narcotics Traffickers Centered in Colombia. Presidential Determination No. 2001-03: Determination To Waive Attachment Provisions Relating to Blocked Prop- erty of Terrorist-List States. Memorandum: Report to the Congress Regarding Condi- tions in Burma and U.S. Policy Toward Bumre. Notice: Continuation of Sudan Emergency ............................ Notice: Continuation of Iran Emergency ................................ Notice: Continuation of Emergency Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction. 47827 47241 48347 52289 52291 56209 55883 59339 57721 59695 59697 59699 63193 66483 66599 66163 68061 68063 435