Title 3--The President
No. Signatm'e Date Subiec t 65 FR Page 13166 Aug. ii .......... Improving Access to Services for Persons With 50\1772\177 Limited English Proficiency. \1773\17767 Sept. 15 .......... Amendment to Executive Order \1773\17747, Increasing 5707 (. the Membership of the White House Commis- sion on Complementary and Alternative Medi- cine Policy. \1773\17768 Sept. 22 .......... President's Commission on Improving Economic 5821; Opportunity in Communities Dependent on To- bacco Production While Protecting Public Health. \1773\17769 Oct. 6 ............. Assistance to Small Business Exporters and Dis- 605& located Workers. \1773\17770 Oct. 6 ............. Increasing Opportunities and Access for Dis- 6082; advantaged Businesses. 13\1777\177 Oct. \1772 ........... Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government 6\17725\177 13\17772 Oct. 25 ........... Amendment to Executive Order \1773078, To Ex- 6457; pand the Role of the National Task Force on Employment of Adults With Disabilities To In- clude a Focus on Youth. \1773\17773 Oct. 25 ........... Interagency Task Force on the Economic Devel- 6457(` opment of the Central San Ioaquin Valley. 13\17774 Oct. 27 ........... Commission on Workers, Communities, and Eco- 6570\177 nomic Change in the New Economy. \1773\17775 Nov. 6 ............ Consultation and Coordination With Indian Trib- 6724(` al Governments. \1773176 Nov. 27 .......... Facilitation of a Presidential Transition ................ 7\17723\177 \1773\17777 Dec. 4 ............. National Commission on the Use of Offsets in De- 7655\177 fense Trade and President's Concil on the Use of Offsets in Commercial Trade. \1773178 Dec. 4 ............. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Eco- 7690\177 system Reserve. \1773\17779 Dec. 7 ............. Providing Compensation to America's Nuclear 7748; Weapons Workers. \1773\17780 Dec. 7 ............. Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization ......... 7749\177 13\1778\177 Dec. 20 ........... To Protect the Privacy of Protected Health Infor- 8\17732\177 mation in Oversight Investigations. \1773182 Dec. 23 ........... Adiustments of Certain Rates of Pay ...................... 8287(` \1773\17783 Dec. 23 ........... Establishment of the President's Task Force on 8288(` Puerto Rico's Status. 66 FR No. Signatm'e Date Subiect Page 2000 \1773\17784 Dec. 28 ........... Revocation of Executive Order 12834 .................... 69; \1773\17785 Dec. 28 ........... To Strengthen the Federal Government-University 70\177 Research Partnership. 432