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Title 3--The President

Presidential Determination No. 2000-19 of April 21, 2000 Waiver and Certification of Statutory Provisions Regarding the Palestine Liberation Organization Memorandum for the Secretazy of State Pursuant to the authority vested in me under section 538(d) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2000, as contained in the Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Public Law 106-113), I hereby determine and certify that it is impor- tant to the national security interests of the United States to waive the pro- visions of section 1003 of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987, Public Law 100- 204. This waiver shall be effective for a period of 6 months from the date of this memorandum. You are hereby authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the Congress and to publish it in the Federal Register. WILLIAM J. CLINTON THE WHITE HOUSE, Washington, April 21, 2000. Notice of May 18, 2000 Continuation of Emergency With Respect to Burma On May 20, 1997, I issued Executive Order 13047, effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on May 21, 1997, certifying to the Congress under section 570(b) of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1997 (Public Law 104-208), that the Govern- ment of Burma has committed large-scale repression of the democratic op- position in Burma after September 30, 1996, thereby invoking the prohibi- tion on new investment in Burma by United States persons, contained in that section. I also declared a national emergency to deal with the threat posed to the national security and foreign policy of the United States by the actions and policies of the Government of Burma, invoking the author- ity, inter alia, of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706). The National Emergency declared on May 20, 1997, must continue beyond May 20, 2000, because the Government of Burma continues its policies of committing large-scale repression of the democratic opposition in Burma. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing the national emergency with re- spect to Burma. This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress. THE WHITE HOUSE, May 18, 2000. WILLIAM J. CLINTON 388

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