Proc. 7275 Proclamation 7275 of February 22, 2000 Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Soction 3 of tho Military So]octivo Sorvico Act, as amondod (50 U.S.C. App. 453), providos that ma]o citizons of tho Unitod Statos and othor ma]o pot- sons rosiding in tho Unitod Statos who aro botwoon tho agos of 18 and 26, oxcopt thoso oxomptod by soctions 3 and 6(a) of tho Military So]octivo Sorv- ico Act, must prosont thomso]vos for rogistration at such timo or timos and placo or placos, and in such marmot as dotorminod by tho Prosidont. Soc- tion 6(k) providos that such oxcoptions shall not continuo aftor tho causo for tho oxomption coasos to oxist. NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, Prosidont of tho Unitod Statos of Arnofica, by tho authority vostod in mo by tho Military So]octivo Sorvico Act, as amondod (50 U.S.C. App. 451 et seq.), do horoby proclaim as follows: Section 1. Paragraph 1-201 of Proclamation 4771 of July 2, 1980, is amend- ed to read: "1-2. Places and Times for Registration. 1-201. Persons who are required to be registered and who are in the United States shall register at the places and by the means designated by the Director of Selective Service. These places and means may include but are not limited to any classified United States Post Office, the Selective Service Internet web site, telephonic registration, registration on approved Government forms, registration through high school and college registrars, and the Selective Service reminder mailback card." Sec. 2. Paragraph 1-202 of Proclamation 4771 of July 2, 1980, is amended to read: "1-202. Citizens of the United States who are required to be registered and who are not in the United States, shall register via any of the places and methods authorized by the Director of Selective Service pursuant to paragraph 1-201 or present themselves at a United States Embassy or Con- sulate for registration before a diplomatic or consular officer of the United States or before a registrar duly appointed by a diplomatic or consular offi- cer of the United States." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-second day of February, in the year of our Lord two thousand, and of the Inde- pendence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty- fourth. WILLIAM J. CLINTON 37