EO 13178
Title 3—The President
(5) One representative from the recreational fishing industry that conducts activities in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
(6) One representative from the ocean-related tourism industry.
(7) One representative from the non-Federal community with experience in education and outreach regarding marine conservation issues.
(8) One citizen-at-large representative.
(9) One representative from the State of Hawaii as appointed by the Governor.
(10) One representative each, as nonvoting, ex officio members, from the Department of the Interior, United States Coast Guard, Department of Defense, Department of State, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, National Science Foundation, Marine Mammal Commission, and Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council.
(g) Report. The Secretary shall provide a progress report on the implementation of this order to the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality within 1 year from the date of this order.
Sec. 6. Area of the Reserve. The Reserve includes the waters and submerged lands of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands as follows:
(a) The seaward boundary of the Reserve is 50nm from the approximate center geographical positions of Nihoa Island, Necker Island, French Frigate Shoals, Gardner Pinnacles, Maro Reef, Laysan Island, Lisianski Island, Pearl and Hermes Reef, Midway Atoll, and Kure Island. Where the areas are not contiguous, parallel lines drawn tangent to and connecting those semicircles of the 50nm areas that lie around such areas shall delimit the remainder of the Reserve.
(b) The inland boundary of the Reserve around each of the areas named in subparagraph (a) of this section is the seaward boundary of Hawaii State waters and submerged lands, and the seaward boundary of the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, as appropriate.
(c) The Reserve boundary is generally depicted on the map attached to this order. The Secretary, after consultation with the Governor of the State of Hawaii, may make technical modifications to the boundary of the Reserve, including providing straight-line boundaries for the Reserve for clarity and ease of identification, as appropriate.
Sec. 7. Protection and Conservation Measures. The conservation measures in this section apply throughout the Reserve.
(a) (1) Commercial Fishing. All currently existing commercial Federal fishing permits and current levels of fishing effort and take, as determined by the Secretary and pursuant to regulations in effect on the date of this order, shall be capped as follows:
(A) No commercial fishing may occur in Reserve Preservation Areas pursuant to section 8 of this order;
(B) There shall be no increase in the number of permits of any particular type of fishing (such as for bottomfishing) beyond the number of permits of that type in effect the year preceding the date of this order;
(C) The annual level of aggregate take under all permits of any particular type of fishing may not exceed the aggregate level of take under all permits