< Page:Title 3 CFR 2000 Compilation.djvu
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Proc. 7273

9903 72.04 9903.72.05 9903.72\17706 9903.72.07 9903 72.08 9903.72.09 9903 72.10 9903.72.11 9903.72.12 9903.72 13 ggO3.72A4 Title 3--The President

[Hct-rsiled...(con.):] :

[\177f...(con.):] If entered dunng the pedod from December 1, 2000, : through February 28, 2001, inclusive, in aggregate quantities not in excess of the remaining quantity, if any, from 1,433,351,886 kg a\177ter the aggregate quanti\177y entered under subheadings 9gg3.72,01 : through 9903.72,03, inclusive, is subtracted : therefrom ..................................................................... No change Other ............................................................................. i The rate

No change

provided in , the Rates of: Du\177y 1 General subcolumn for the applicable subheading (7213.91, 7227.20 or 7227.90.60) + 10% If entered during the period from March 1,2001, through February 28, 2002, inclusive: if entered during the period from Mar\177h 1, 2OO1, through May 31,2001, insiusive, in aggregate quantities not m excess of 487,339,641 kg ....................... If entered dunng the pedod from June 1, 2001, through August 31, 2001\177 inclusive, in aggregate quantities not in excess of 487,339,641 kg If entered during the period from September 1,2001, through November 30, 2001, inclusive, in aggregate quantities not in excess of 487,339,641 kg ....................... if entered during the pedod from December 1,2001, through February 28, 2002, inclusive, in aggregate quantities not in excess of the remaining quantJ\177y, if any, from 1,462,018,923 kg after the aggregate quantity entered under subheadings 9903.72.06 through 9903.72.08, inclusive, is subtracted therefrom ...................................................................... : No change Other ................................................................................ : The rate provided in the Rates of: Du\177y 1 : General : subcolumn for the : applicable : subheading : (7213\17791, : \337 7213.99, : \337 7227,20 or : 7227.90.60): . +75% If entered dudng the pedod from March 1,2002, through March 1,2003, inclusive: If entered during the period from March 1, 2002, through May 31, 2002, inclusive, in aggregate No change : No change No change : No change No change : No change Nochange quantities not in excess of 497,086,434 kg ....................... : No change No change If entered during the period from June 1,2002, : through August 31,2002, inclusive, in aggregate : quantities not in excess of 497,086,434 kg ....................... : No change No change If entered during the period from September 1, 2002, through November 30, 2002, inclusive, in aggregate : quantities not in excess of 497,08\365,434 kg ....................... : No change No change If entered during the pedod from December 1,2002, through March 1, 2003, inclusive, in aggregate : quantities in excess of the remaining quantity, if any, from 1,491,259,302 kg after the aggregate quanti\177y entered under subheadings 9903.72,11 : through 9903.72.13, inclusive, is subtracted : therefrom ........................................................................... : No change : No change

No change
The rate

provided in the Rates of Duty 2 column for the applicable subheading (7213.91, 7213.99, 7227.20 or 7227.90,60) + 10%

No change

\337 No change


No change The rate provided in the Rates of Du\177y 2 column for the applicable subheading (7213 91, 7213.99, 7227.20 or 7227.90.60) + 7,5%

No change


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