EO 13171
Title 3—The President
and SDBs. The GSA shall allow agencies ordering from designated 8(a) firms under the Multiple Award Schedule to count those orders toward their 8(a) procurement goals.
Sec. 7. Bundling Contracts. To the extent permitted by law, departments and agencies must submit to the SBA for review any contracts that are proposed to be bundled. The determination of the SBA with regard to the appropriateness of bundling in each instance must be carefully reviewed by the department or agency head, or his or her designee, and must be given due consideration. If there is an unresolvable conflict, then the SBA or the department or agency can seek assistance from the OMB.
Sec. 8. Awards Program. The Secretary of Commerce and the Administrator of the SBA shall jointly undertake a feasibility study to determine the appropriateness of an awards program for executive departments and agencies who best exemplify the letter and intent of this order in increasing opportunities for 8(a)s, SDBs, and MBEs in Federal procurement. Such study shall be presented to the President within 90 days of the date of this order.
Sec. 9. Applicability. Independent agencies are requested to comply with the provisions of this order.
Sec. 10. Administration, Enforcement, and Judicial Review.
(a) This order shall be carried out to the extent permitted by law and consistent with the Administration's priorities and appropriations.
(b) This order is not intended and should not be construed to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agencies, its officers, or its employees.
Executive Order 13171 of October 12, 2000
Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to improve the representation of Hispanics in Federal employment, within merit system principles and consistent with the application of appropriate veterans' preference criteria, to achieve a Federal workforce drawn from all segments of society, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the executive branch to recruit qualified individuals from appropriate sources in an effort to achieve a workforce drawn from all segments of society. Pursuant to this policy, this Administration notes that Hispanics remain underrepresented in the Federal workforce: they make up only 6.4 percent of the Federal civilian workforce, roughly half of their total representation in the civilian labor force. This Executive Order, therefore, affirms ongoing policies and recommends additional policies to eliminate the underpresentation of Hispanics in the Federal workforce.