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Title 3—The President

EO 13166

the problem of doping and drug use in sports. In developing the recommendations, the Task Force shall consider, among other things: (i) the health and safety of America's athletes, in particular our Nation's young people; (ii) the integrity of honest athletic competition; and (iii) the views and recommendations of State and local governments, the private sector, citizens, community groups, and nonprofit organizations, on actions to address this threat. The Task Force, through its Chairs, shall submit its recommendations to the President.

(c) The Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (the Director), the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Olympic Task Force Vice Chairs or their designees shall serve as the Task Force Chairs.

(d) To the extent permitted by law and at the request of the Chairs, agencies shall cooperate with and provide information to the Task Force.

Sec. 3. Participation in the World Anti-Doping Agency. (a) As part of my Administration's efforts to address the problem of drug use in sports, the United States has played a leading role in the formation of a World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) by the Olympic and sports community and the nations of the world. Through these efforts, the United States has been selected to serve as a governmental representative on the board of the WADA. This order will authorize the Director to serve as the United States Government's representative on the WADA board.

(b) Pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 1701 et seq., the Director, or in his absence his designee, is hereby authorized to take all necessary and proper actions to execute his responsibilities as United States representative to the WADA.

(c) To assist the Director in carrying out these responsibilities as the United States Government representative to the WADA and to the extent permitted by law, Federal employees may serve in their official capacity, inter alia, on WADA Committees or WADA advisory committees, serving as experts to the WADA.

William J. Clinton
The White House,
August 9, 2000.

Executive Order 13166 of August 11, 2000

Improving Access to Services for Persons With Limited English Proficiency

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to improve access to federally conducted and federally assisted programs and activities for persons who, as a result of national origin, are limited in their English proficiency (LEP), it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Goals.

The Federal Government provides and funds an array of services that can be made accessible to otherwise eligible persons who are not proficient in

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