EO 13151
Title 3—The President
supplied by Federal agencies on an ad hoc basis. To increase the effectiveness of our response to foreign disasters, agencies shall, where appropriate, use information technology to coordinate the Federal Government's provision of disaster-related information to foreign governments.
(c) To carry out the policies in this order, there is established the Global Disaster Information Network (Network). The Network is defined as the coordinated effort by Federal agencies to develop a strategy and to use existing technical infrastructure, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of appropriations and under the guidance of the Interagency Coordinating Committee and the Committee Support Office, to make more effective use of information technology to assist our Government, and foreign governments where appropriate, by providing disaster-related information to prepare for and respond to disasters.
Sec. 2. Establishment. (a) There is established an Interagency Coordinating Committee (Committee) to provide leadership and oversight for the development of the Network. The Office of the Vice President, the Department of Commerce through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Department of State, respectively, shall designate a representative to serve as Co-chairpersons of the Committee. The Committee membership shall comprise representatives from the following departments and agencies:
(1) Department of State;
(2) Department of Defense;
(3) Department of the Interior;
(4) Department of Agriculture;
(5) Department of Commerce;
(6) Department of Transportation;
(7) Department of Energy;
(8) Office of Management and Budget;
(9) Environmental Protection Agency;
(10) National Aeronautics and Space Administration;
(11) United States Agency for International Development;
(12) Federal Emergency Management Agency; and
(13) Central Intelligence Agency.
At the discretion of the Co-chairpersons of the Committee, other agencies may be added to the Committee membership. The Committee shall include an Executive Secretary to effect coordination between the Co-chairpersons of the Committee and the Committee Support Office.
(b) There is established a Committee Support Office (Support Office) to assist the Committee by developing plans and projects that would further the creation of the Network. The Support Office shall, at the request of the Co-chairpersons of the Committee, carry out tasks taken on by the Committee.
(c) The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shall provide funding and administrative support for the Committee and the Support Of-