EO 13149
Title 3—The President
Sec. 401. Vehicle Reporting Credits. When preparing the annual report to DOE and OMB, each agency acquisition of an alternative fuel light-duty vehicle, regardless of geographic placement, shall count as one credit towards fulfilling the AFV acquisition requirements of the Energy Policy Act of 1992. Agencies shall receive one additional credit for each light-duty AFV that exclusively uses an alternative fuel and for each Zero Emission Vehicle of any size. Agencies shall receive three credits for dedicated mediumduty AFVs and four credits for dedicated heavy-duty AFVs. Agencies can also receive one credit for every 450 gallons of pure bio-diesel used in diesel vehicles.
Sec. 402. Infrastructure. To support the use of alternative fuel in AFVs, agencies should arrange for fueling at commercial facilities that offer alternative fuels for sale to the public.
(a) Agencies should team with State, local, and private entities to support the expansion and use of public access alternative fuel refueling stations;
(b) Agencies should use the authority granted to them in section 304 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to establish nonpublic access alternative fuel infrastructure for fueling Federal AFVs where public fueling is unavailable.
(c) Agencies are encouraged to work with DOE and GSA to resolve alternative fuel usage tracking issues with alternative and petroleum fuel providers.
Sec. 403. Procurement of Environmentally Preferable Motor Vehicle Products.
(a) Consistent with Executive Order 13101 and section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), 42 U.S.C. 6962, effective 6 months after the date of this order, no Federal agency shall purchase, sell, or arrange for the purchase of virgin petroleum motor vehicle lubricating oils when re-refined motor vehicle lubricating oils are reasonably available and meet the vehicle manufacturer's recommended performance standards.
(b) Consistent with Executive Order 13101 and RCRA section 6962, in acquiring and maintaining motor vehicles, agencies shall acquire and use United States EPA-designated Comprehensive Procurement Guideline items, including but not limited to retread tires, when such products are reasonably available and meet applicable performance standards. In addition, Federal agencies should consider acquiring other recycled content products, such as tires containing a minimum of 5-10 percent post-consumer recovered rubber.
(c) Consistent with Executive Order 13101, Federal agencies are encouraged to use biobased motor vehicle products when such products are reasonably available and meet applicable performance standards.
Sec. 501. Revocation. Executive Order 13031 of December 13, 1996, is revoked.
Sec. 502. Statutory Authority. Agencies must carry out the provisions of this order to the extent consistent with their statutory authority.
Sec. 503. Limitations. This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and is not intended to create any