Title 3—The President
EO 13148
reaches its expected service life. Exceptions to this requirement include all exceptions found in current or future applicable law, treaty, regulation, or Executive order.
(c) Each agency shall amend its personal property management policies and procedures to preclude disposal of ozone depleting substances removed or reclaimed from its facilities or equipment, including disposal as part of a contract, trade, or donation, without prior coordination with the Department of Defense (DoD). Where the recovered ozone-depleting substance is a critical requirement for DoD missions, the agency shall transfer the materials to the DoD. The DoD will bear the costs of such transfer.
Sec. 601. Implementation.
(a) Within 12 months from the date of this order, each agency shall incorporate the Guidance for Presidential Memorandum on Environmentally and Economically Beneficial Landscape Practices on Federal Landscaped Grounds (60 FR 40837) developed by the FEE into landscaping programs, policies, and practices.
(b) Within 12 months of the date of this order, the FEE shall form a workgroup of appropriate Federal agency representatives to review and update the guidance in subsection (a) of this section, as appropriate.
(c) Each agency providing funding for nonfederal projects involving landscaping projects shall furnish funding recipients with information on environmentally and economically beneficial landscaping practices and work with the recipients to support and encourage application of such practices on Federally funded projects.
Sec. 602. Technical Assistance and Outreach. The EPA, the General Services Administration (GSA), and the USDA shall provide technical assistance in accordance with their respective authorities on environmentally and economically beneficial landscaping practices to agencies and their facilities.
Sec. 701. Limiting Procurement of Toxic Chemicals, Hazardous Substances, and Other Pollutants.
(a) Within 12 months of the date of this order, each agency shall implement training programs to ensure that agency procurement officials and acquisition program managers are aware of the requirements of this order and its applicability to those individuals.
(b) Within 24 months of the date of this order, each agency shall determine the feasibility of implementing centralized procurement and distribution (e.g., "pharmacy") programs at its facilities for tracking, distribution, and management of toxic or hazardous materials and, where appropriate, implement such programs.
(c) Under established schedules for review of standardized documents, DoD and GSA, and other agencies, as appropriate, shall review their standardized documents and identify opportunities to eliminate or reduce their use of chemicals included on the list of priority chemicals developed by the EPA under subsection 503(b) of this order, and make revisions as appropriate.