Section 101. Federal Environmental Leadership. The head of each Federal agency is responsible for ensuring that all necessary actions are taken to integrate environmental accountability into agency day-to-day decisionmaking and long-term planning processes, across all agency missions, activities, and functions. Consequently, environmental management considerations must be a fundamental and integral component of Federal Government policies, operations, planning, and management. The head of each Federal agency is responsible for meeting the goals and requirements of this order.
Sec. 201. Environmental Management. Through development and implementation of environmental management systems, each agency shall ensure that strategies are established to support environmental leadership programs, policies, and procedures and that agency senior level managers explicitly and actively endorse these strategies.
Sec. 202. Environmental Compliance. Each agency shall comply with environmental regulations by establishing and implementing environmental compliance audit programs and policies that emphasize pollution prevention as a means to both achieve and maintain environmental compliance.
Sec. 203. Right-to-Know and Pollution Prevention. Through timely planning and reporting under the EPCRA, Federal facilities shall be leaders and responsible members of their communities by informing the public and their workers of possible sources of pollution resulting from facility operations. Each agency shall strive to reduce or eliminate harm to human health and the environment from releases of pollutants to the environment. Each agency shall advance the national policy that, whenever feasible and cost-effective, pollution should be prevented or reduced at the source. Funding for regulatory compliance programs shall emphasize pollution prevention as a means to address environmental compliance.
Sec. 204. Release Reduction: Toxic Chemicals. Through innovative pollution prevention, effective facility management, and sound acquisition and procurement practices, each agency shall reduce its reported Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) releases and off-site transfers of toxic chemicals for treatment and disposal by 10 percent annually, or by 40 percent overall by December 31, 2006.
Sec. 205. Use Reduction: Toxic Chemicals and Hazardous Substances and Other Pollutants. Through identification of proven substitutes and established facility management practices, including pollution prevention, each agency shall reduce its use of selected toxic chemicals, hazardous substances, and pollutants, or its generation of hazardous and radioactive waste types at its facilities by 50 percent by December 31, 2006. If an agency is unable to reduce the use of selected chemicals, that agency will reduce the use of selected hazardous substances or its generation of other pollutants, such as hazardous and radioactive waste types, at its facilities by 50 percent by December 31, 2006.
Sec. 206. Reductions in Ozone-Depleting Substances. Through evaluating present and future uses of ozone-depleting substances and maximizing the purchase and the use of safe, cost effective, and environmentally preferable alternatives, each agency shall develop a plan to phase out the procurement