Proc. 7388
Title 3--The President Annex I Section A\177 Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the date of publication of this proclamation in the FederalRegister, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) is modified as set forth herein. ( l ). General note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule is modified by inserting, immediately above the line readin8 "Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act...E or E*" a new line readin8 "African Growth and Opportunity Act....D". (2). The followin 8 new 8eneral note 16 is inserted in numerical sequence: "16. Products of Coun\177cs DesiRnated as Beneficiary Coun\177es under the Af\177cs\177 Orowth and Ommrtuni\177 A\177 (A\177A). Republic of Benin Republic of M\177li Republic of Bo\177 bl\177aic Republic of Ma\177it \177aia Republic of Cape Ve\177xle Republic of Mauritius Republic of Camcroon Republic of Mo\177mnbique Central African Republic Republic of Namibia Republic of Chad Republic of Ni\177er Republic of Congo Federal Republi\177 of Nige\177a Republic of Djibouti Republic of Rvamda State of Eritrea D\177mocrafic Republic ofSao Tm\177e and Oabone\177e Republic Republic of 8en\177at Republic of Ghana Republic of 8eychelles Republic of Guinea Republic of Sierra Leone Republic of Ouinca-Bissau Republic of South Africa Republic of Kenya United Republic of Tanzania Kin\177om of L\177ho Republi\177 of Uff\177da Republic of lv\177sd*\177a\177ar Republic of Z\177mbia Republic of \177lawi eligible articles pursuant to section 11 l(a) of the AOOA and section S06A of the Trsde Act of 1974 ("the 1974 Act"). Whenever an eligible article which is a good of a designated benefici\177/sub,Salumm African coumv/enumerated in sulxlivislc\177 (a) of this note is impend directly into the custo\177 \177 of \177e United States, such article shall be \177titlcd to m:eiw th\177 dat7-ffee t\177a\177t l\177id\177d fo\177 \177 without regard to the limil\177ic\177s on preferential Immncnt of eligible articles in section S03(cX2XA) of the 1974 Act. provided that \177uch good- 0) is the growth. product or man\177 of a d\177ignated benefici\177 sul\177-Sahs\177a African coumrff \177numerated in subdivision (a) of this note, and (ii) the s\177a of- (A) th\177 cost or value of &\275 mate\177ah ix\177tuced in one or more designated beneficiary sub- 5sharan African counties, plus (B) the direct co\177 of processing ope\177atkms performed in the designated beneficiaxy \177b- countrle\177 that are membe\177 of the \177ae a.\177ociation of coun\177ie\177 which is treated as one country under \177 507(a)2 of th\177 19/4 Act, is not le\177s than 35 per centurn of 11\177 appraised value of \177uch a\177ticlz at th\177 time it is entered. If the cost or value of the mat\177als ix\177tuced in the customs territo\177' oflh\177 United 8tat\177s is included with respect to an eligible a\177ti\275le, an smount not to exceed 15 per centtm\177 of th\177 appraised value of such \177ticle at the time it is entered that is at\177outed to such United 5tatzs cost or value may be applied toward determining tho percentage \177 to in clau\177 (ii)(B) above. No a\177ticle or material of a d\177ignmed bendicim7 sub=Sahamn African co\177nW enumo'at\177 in eligiblz for such duty-fr\177 trealment by \177 of havi\177 me\177y undergone simplz combining or not raate\177all\276 alter the chanlcterl\177i\275\177 of the 226