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Proc. 7385

Title 3--The President Proclamation 7385 of December 6, 2000 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, 2000 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Whi]o tho bittot winds of war ragod across much of tho world on tho morn- ing of Docombor 7, 1941, tho Unitod Statos was still at poaco. At Poar] Har- bor, tho 130 vossols of tho U.S. Pacific Hoot lay tranquil in tho Sunday si- lorico. Thom at 7:55 a.m., that silorico was shattorod by tho sound of falling bombs and tho ratt]o of machino-gun fifo, as tho war camo homo to Arnof- ica. In making such a devastating preemptive strike, the forces of Imperial Japan sought to weaken our national spirit and cripple our military might. But our attackers would soon learn that they had seriously misjudged the character of the American people and the strength of our democracy. Though 2\177 ships were sunk or badly damaged, 347 aircraft destroyed or in need of significant repair, and some 3,500 Americans dead or injured, the attack on Pearl Harbor galvanized our Nation into action, reaffirmed our commitment to freedom, and strengthened our resolve to prevail. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, millions of Americans volunteered to serve in the Armed Forces. Millions of others filled factories and ship- yards as the great industrial engine of our free enterprise system was har- nessed to produce the planes, tanks, ships, and guns that armed the forces of freedom. Many of the ships sunk during the attack on Pearl Harbor were raised and repaired to sail once again with the U.S. Pacific Fleet--the same fleet that in September of \177945 would witness the surrender of Imperial Japan. On Veterans Day this year, America celebrated the groundbreaking for a memorial in our Nation's capital dedicated to our World War II veterans. This memorial will stand as a testament to the countless brave Americans who responded to the attack on Pearl Harbor and the threat to our freedom by answering the call to service; both at home and overseas. It will also stand as testament to the spirit of a Nation that believes profoundly in the ideals upon which it was founded, and it will serve as an enduring re- minder of what Americans can accomplish when we work together to achieve our common goals. The outpouring of support for this memorial, from young and old alike, shows that the American people's deep conviction in our Nation's values has not diminished in the intervening years. We will never forget the men and women who took up arms in the greatest struggle humanity has ever known; nor will we forget the lessons they taught us: that we must remain ever vigilant, determined, and ready to advance the cause of freedom whenever and wherever it is threatened. The Congress, by Public Law \17703-308, has designated December 7, 2000, as "National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day." NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim December 7, 2000, as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. I urge all Americans to observe this day with 220

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