Proc. 7383
Title 3--The President (con.) [6203 : Men's...(con.):] : : :
- [Suit-type...(con.):] : :
"6203.31 : Of wool or fine animal hah': : : : 6203.31.50 Of worsted wool fabric, made of wanl : :
- yarn having an average fiber diameter of : \337 \337
- 18.5 mierans or lass .................................. :19.3% i Free (CA,IL) 159.5%
- : : 6.6% CMX) \337
6203.31.90 Other ........................................................ 193% : Free (CALL) 159.5%"
- : : 6.6% (MX) :
Conforming changes: (i) subheadlng 9906.98.02 is modified by striking "6203.31.00," and by inserting in lieu thereof "6203.31.50, 6203.31.90,"; and (ii) subheadings 6203.31.50 and 6203,31.90 shall each be accorded the same staged reductians in Geaeral rates of duty and in the Special rates of duty accorded to goods of Mexico under the terms of ganeral note 12 to the tariff schedule as were previously proclaimed for subheading 6203.31.00. (d) by striking subheading 6203.41.15 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with the new superior text inserted at the same level of indentation as the article 6203.41.05: [6203 : Men's...(con.): : : :
- [Trousers,...(con.):] : : :
[6203.41 : Of...(con.):] : : :
- [Trousers,...(eon.): l : : :
- "Other: \177 : :
6203.41.12 Trousers of worsted wool : : :
- fabric, made of wanl yara : : :
- having an average fiber diam- \337 ' '
- eter of 18.5 mierons or less ........ 146.3\177/k\177 + i Free (CA,IL2vlX) 152,9\177/kg +
- : 18.2% ' : 58.5%
6203.41.18 Other ......................................... : 46.3g/kg + i Free (CA,IL,MX): 52.9\177/kg +
- : 18.2% : : 58.5%"
Conforming change: Subheadings 6203.41. i2 and 6203.41.18 shall each be accorded the same staged reductions in Cyeneral rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 6203,41.15. Section B. Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after January 1, 2001, the headings in the first column set forth below are each modified by striking from the parenthetical references in the article descriptions the provisions in the second column set forth below, and by inserting in lieu thereof in numerical sequence the provisions in the third column set forth below: 9902.51.11 "5112.11.20, or 5112.19.90" "5112.11.60 or 5112.19.95" 9902.51.12 "5112.11.20, or 5112.19.90" "5112.11.30 or 5112.19.60" 9902.51.13 "5107.10.00" "5107.10.30" Section C. Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the date of signature of this proclanmfion, the HTS is further modified as follows: (1) General note 4(d) to the HTS is modified by striking the following HTS subheadings and the country listed opposite them: "5208.31.20 ............ India 5208.32.10 ............. India 5208.41.20 ............. India 5208.42.10 ............. India 5208.51.20 ............. India 5208.52.10 ............. India 5209.31.30 ............. India 5209.41.30 ............. India 5310.90.00 ............. India" (2) Each of the following HTS subheadings is modified by striking, from the parenthetical expression in the
Rates of Duty l-Special subcolumn, the syrabol "A ," and by inserting in lieu thereof"A,": 5208,31.20 5208.42.10 5209.31.30 5208.32.10 5208.51.20 5209.41.30 5208.41.20 5208.52.10 5310.90.00 218