Proclamations Proc. 7383
\177.nex (con.) 2 [5112 : Woven...(con.):] : : : [Conteining...(con. ):[ : : : [5112.19 Other:] : : 5112.19.60 Of wool yams with an average : : fiber diameter of 18.5 microns or \337 \337 \337 1 ....................................................... 129.4% i Fro, (c\177ux) 16s.5% 5112.19.95 Other ................................................. : 29.4% : Flme (CA,IL,MX): 68.5%" Conforming chmages: Subheadings 5112.19.60 and 5112.19.95 shall each be accorded the same staged reductions in \234teneml rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 5112.19.90. (2) Chapter 62 of the HTS is modified- (a) by striking subheadings 6203.11.10 and 6203.11.20 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with each new superior text inserted at the same level ofindeutation as the article description of subheading 6203.12.10: [6203 : Men's...(con.):] : : [Suits (con.):l : : [6203,11 Of...(coll.):] : : "Containing 30 percent or more by weight : : of silk or silk waste: : : 6203.11.15 Of worsted wool fabric, made of : wool yarn having an average fiber : \337 diameter of 18.5 microns or less ......... : 7.5% i Free (CA,IL,MX): 65% 6203.11.30 Other ................................................. : 7.5% i Free (CA.,ILMX) 165% 6203.11.60 Of worsted wool fabric, made of : : : wool yam having an average fiber : : diameter of 18.5 microns or less ......... : 21.2\177/kg + Free (CA\177L,MX): 52.9\177/kg +
- 18.9% ' : 58.5%
6203.11.90 Other .................................................. : 21,2\177/kg + i Free (CA,IL,MX): 52.9\177/kg + ConfOrming changes: (i) Subheading 9906, 98.02 is modified by striking "6203,11.10, 6203.11.20 ,," and by inserting in lieu thereof "6203.11,15, 6203.11,30, 6203.11.60, 6203.11 \17790,"; and (ti) subheadings 6203.11.60 and 6203.11,90 shall each be accorded the same staged reductions in Gerea'al rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 6203.11.20. (b) by striking subheading 6203.21.00 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with the new superior text inserted at the same level of indentation as the superior text designated as 6203,19: [6203 : Mon's...(con.):] : : : [Ensembles:] : : : "6203.21 Of wool or fm\275 arereal hair: : : : 6203.21.30 Suits, suit-type jackets and trousers, the : : : foregoing of worsted wool fabric, made : : : of wonl yam having an average fiber : diameter of 18.5 microns er less ............... : The rate ap- : Freo (CA,IL) : The rate ap-
- plicable to : The rate applic- : plicable to
- each garmont : able to each gat- : each garment
- in the ensemble: merit in the on- : in the ensem-
- if separately :sambleifseper- :bteifseper-
- ontored : ately ontored : ately entered
6203.21.90 Other ......................................................... : The rate ai>- : F\177ee (CA,IL) : The rote ap-
- each garment : able to each gat- : each garmont
- in the ensemble: mont in the on- : in the ensenv
- if separately : sembte ff seper- : ble if separ-
- entered : ately ontored : ately entered"
Conforming changes: (i) subheading 9906.98,02 is modified by striking" 6203.21,00,"and by iraerring in lieu thereof "6203.21.30, 6203.21.90,"; and (ii) effective with respect to goods of Mexico under the terms of goneral note 12 titat are entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or aRer Janllaly 1, 2003, subheading\177 6203.21.30 and 6203,21.90 are each amended by striking "The rate applicable to each garment in the ensemble if separately entered (MX)" and by inserting in the Special subcolumn in alphabetical sequence in the parenthetical expression for each such subheading ",MX". (C) by striking subheading 6203.31.00 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with the new superior text inserted at the same level of indentation as the superior text designated as 6203.32: 217