Proc. 7383
Title 3--The President ANNEX Section A. Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or at\177er the date of siguature of this proclamation, the Harraonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (I-ITS) is modified as set forth herein, with the language inserted in the columns entitled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", "Rates of Duty l-General", "Rates of Duty l-Special" and "Rates of Duty 2", respeetively: (1) Chapter 51 of the HTS is modified- (a) by striking subheadings 5107.10.00 and 5107.20.00 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with the new superior text at the same level of indentation as the article description of subheading 5106.20.00: 15107 : Yara..,(can. ):] 5107.10.30 : 5107.10.60 : 5107.20 : 5107.20.30 : 5107.20.60 : Containing 85 percent or more by weight of wool: : Of wool fiber with an average fiber diameter : of 18.5 rdcrons or less .................................... : 7.2%
Other .............................................................. : 7.2% Containing less than 85 percent by weight ofwanl: : Of wool fiber with an average fiber diameter : of 18.5 microns or less .................................... : 7.2% Other ............................................................... 17.2% Free (CA,IL,MX): 55.5% Free (CA,IL,MX) } 55.5% Free (CA,IL,MX): 55.5% Free (CA.,IL,MX): 55.5%" Conforming changes: Subheadings 5107.10. 30 and 5107.10.60 shall each be accorded the same staged reductions in General rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 5107.10.00, and subheadings 5107.20.30 and 5107.20\17760 shall each be accorded the same staged reductions in General rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 5107.20.00. (b) by striking subheadings 5109.10.60 and 5109.90.60 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with each new superior text at the same level of indentation as the article description of subheading 5109.10.40: [5109 : Yam._(coa.):] : : : [5109.10 : Containmg...(can.):] : : :
- IOther:l : : :
5109.10.80 : Of wool fiber with an average fiber : \337 '
- diameter of 18.5 microns or less ......... : 7.2% i Free (CA,IL,MX) } 55.5%
5109.10.90 Other ................................................. : 7.2% i Free (CA,IL,MX) 155.5%" [5109.90 : Other:.] : : :
- [Other:l : : :
5109.90.80 : Of wool fiber with an average fiber : ' '
- diameter of 18.5 microns or less ......... 7.2\370/'o i Free (CA,IL,MX) 155.5%
5109.90.90 Other ................................................ :7.2\370/'o i Frea (CA,ILMX) :: 55.5%" Conforming changes: Subheadings 5109.10.80 and 5109.10.90 shall each be accorded the same staged reductions in Oaneral rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 5109.10.60, and subheading\177 5109.90.80 and 5109.90.90 shall each be accorded the same staged reductions in General rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 5109.90.60. (c) by striking subheading 5112.1120 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with the new superior text at the same level of indeutafion as the article description of subheading 5112.11.10: [5112 : Woven...(con.):] : : :
- [Containing...(can.):] : : :
[5112.11 : Of...(con.):] : : : 5112. t 1.30 Of wool yams with an average : :
- fiber diameter of 18.5 microns or \337 :
- less .................................................... 129.4% : Free (CA,IL,MX) :. 68.5%
5112.11.60 Other ................................................. :29.4% i Free (CA,IL,MX): 68.5%" Conforming changes: Subheadings 5112.11.30 and 5112.11.60 shall each be accorded the smae staged reductions in General rates of duty as were previously proclaimed for subheading 5112.11.20. (d) by striking subheading 5112.19.90 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following new provisions, with the new superior text at the same level ofindeutafion as the article description of subheading 5112.19.20: 216