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Proc. 7352

Title 3--The President Proclamation 7352 of October 5, 2000 German-American Day, 2000 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation As wo co]obrato Gorman-Amorican Day and tho many contributions that Gorman Arnoricans havo marlo to our national community, wo also mark tho 10th annivorsary of Gorman unification. Tho historic achiovomonts of tho last l0 yoars aro all tho moro romarkab]o whon wo romombor tho dark days of tho Cold War, a timo whon many citizons in Eastorn Europo and around tho globo ]ivod undor govornmonts of opprossion and tyranny. No- whoro was tho throat moro foal than in Wost Borlin, whoro Arnoricans and Gotmarts stood togothor in dofenso of domocracy and commitmont to dom. Ultimatoly, aftor almost throo riocarlos of division, tho Borlin Wall camo down and tho poop]o of Gotmany woro rounitod. Today, Arnoricans and Gotmarts aro working togothor to OhSUfO that domocracy will bo an abiding ]ogacy for rutufo gonorations throughout Europo. Our prosont offorts aro only tho ]atost chaptot of our sharod history. In 1683, Gorman Monnonitos sooking roligious toloranco ]artclod hoar Philadd- phia. Their arrival marked the beginning of waves of German immigration that would ebb and flow with the tides of history, ultimately bringing more than 7 million people to our shores. Today, nearly a quarter of all Ameri- cans can trace their ancestry back to their Germanic roots, and they con- tinue to enrich our Nation with a proud heritage marked by a strong com- mitment to family, work, duty, and country. Many prominent German Americans have strengthened our society through the years. Publisher Johann Peter Zenger championed freedom of the press in the early 18th century, and Thomas Nast's powerful cartoons increased public awareness of corruption within Tammany Hall in 19th-century New York. During the American Revolution, Baron de Kalb and Friedrich von Steuben fought valiantly for our freedom, iust as Dwight Eisenhower and Chester Nimitz did in World War II. German Americans who have enriched America's cultural, scientific, and economic life include writers John Steinbeck and Erich Maria Remarque; physicists Albert Einstein and Maria Goeppert-Mayer; philosophers Hannah Arendt and Paul Tillich; and indus- trialists and business leaders John D. Rockefeller and John Wanamaker. Behind the many well-known individuals who have played a prominent part in our history are millions of German immigrants whose names are not widely recognized, yet who profoundly shaped the America we know today. Industrious German Americans helped settle our cities and frontiers; defend democracy during times of conflict; promote our prosperity in times of peace; and preserve the bonds of family and heritage that our Nation shares with the people of Germany. As we celebrate German-American Day and the 10th anniversary of German unification and look ahead to the promise of a new century, America recognizes with pride and gratitude the important role that German Americans continue to play in the life of our Nation and celebrates the strength of our friendship with Germany. NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitu- tion and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim Friday, October 170

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