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Proclamations Proc. 7351

ANNEX Section A. Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the date published by the United States Trade Representative in the Federal Register, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) is modified as set forth herein, with the material in the new tariff provisions being inserted in the columns labeled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", and "Rates of Duty 1-Special". (1). General note 3(c)(i) to the tariff schedule is modified by inserting at the end thereof a new line reading "United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act. (2). General notes 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 to the tariff schedule are redesigneted as general notes 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23. (3). The following new general note 17 to the tariff schedule is inserted in numerical sequence: "17 Products of Coantries Designated as Beneficiary Countries under the United States-Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act of 2000. (a) The Caribbean Basin countries that will be enumerated kn this note in a Federal Register notice by the Urnted States Trade Representative, having previously been designated by the President pursuant to section 211 of the United StatesCaribbean Basin Trade Pm-thership Act (CBTPA), shall be treated as beneficiary countries for purposes of this note on and after the effective date announced kn such notice. (b) Articles provided for in a provision for winch a rate of duty appears in the "Special" subcolumn followed by the symbol *'R" in chapters 1 flurough 97 of the tariff schedule are those designated by the President to be eligible articles for purposes of the CBTPA pursuant to section 211 of that Act. Whenever an eligible article which is a good of one or more designated beneficiary CBTPA countries enumerated in subdivision (a) of this note is nnperted directly \177nto the customs territory of the Uinted States, such article shall be entitled to receive the duty-free or reduced duty treatment provided for herein, provided that such good-- (i) was wholly obtained or produced entirely in the territory of one or more designated beneficiary countries enumerated in subdivision (a) of this note, or (l\177) would be an odhginatmg good for purposes of general note 12 to the tariff schedule, if such good were imported thereunder. No article or matedhal of a designated beneficiary country enumerated in subdivision (a) of tins note and receiving the tariff treatment specified in this note shall be eligible for such duty-free treatment by virtue of having merely undergone simple combining or packing operations, or mere dilution with water or mere dilution with another substrance that does not materially alter the characteristics of the article. (c) Whenever a rate of duty other thm\177 "Free" appears in the "Special" rates of duty subcolumn for any heading or subheading\177ollowed by the symbol "E" or "E*" and a lower rate of duty appears in such subeothnm tbllowed by the symbel "R", zm eligible article under the terms of this note entered under such provision from a designated benefic\177axy CBTPA country enumerated in subdivisian (a) of this note shall receive such lower rate of duty. (d) The duty-free treatment provided thr in tl\177s note shall be effective with respect to eligible articles from a designated CBTPA cottmry enumerated in subdivision (a) of this note that are entered, or withdra\177m\177 from warehouse for consumption, on or at\177er the date announced m a Federal Register notice issued by the United States Trade Representative, *aid shall remain in effect flurough the earlier or-- (i) the close of September 30, 2008, or (n) the date on wtdch the Free Trade Area of the Americas or another free trade agreement that makes substantial progress in acineving the negotiating objectives set forth in section 108(bX5) of \177ublic Law 103-182 (19 U.S.C. 3317(b)(5)) enters into force with respect to the United States and the CBTPA beneficmry country." (4). The Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn in the HTS is modified for each of the following HTS provisions by inserting the symbol "R" in alphabetical order in the parentheses following the "Free" rate of duty. 2710.00\17735 4602.10.25 6402.19.50 6402.99.14 6404.11.90 2710.00.40 4602.10.29 6402.19.70 6403.19.40 6404.19.40 4602.10.21 6401.92.60 6402.19.90 6403\17759.15 6404.19.90 4602.10.22 6402A9.15 6402.30.60 6404.11.40 6406.10.50 163

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