Proclamations Proc. 7350
ER\177ctive with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after the date published in the Federal Register by the United States Trade Representative, chapter 98 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is modified as set forth herein, with the m\177terial in the new tariff provisions being inserted in the columns labeled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", and "Rates of Duty 1-Special". ( 1 ). The following new U.S. note is inserted in numerical sequence in subchapter II of chapter 98 of the tariff schedule: (2). "7. For purposes of the special tariff treah\177nent authorized by the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (tttle I ofPub. L. No. 106-200) tbr certain goods of heading 9802.00.80 imported directly from those beneficiary sub-Saharan Afiqcan countries previously designated by proclamation that are subsequently enumerated in a notice published m the Federal Register by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) as having been detelmmed to have satisfied the requirements of the AGOA mid therefore to be attbrded such tariff treah\177nent, the duty-free treatment indicated for such heading shall apply only to apparel articles assembled in one or more such beneficiary comatries from fabrics wholly formed and cut in the United States, from yams wholly formed in the United States (including fabrics not formed from yarns, if such fabrics are classifiable under head\177g 5602 or 5603 of chapter 56 and are wholly formed and cut in the United States). Paticles otherwise eligible to enter under this heading, and which satisfy the conditions set forth in U.S. note 3 to subchapter XIX of this chapter, shall not be ineligible to enter under tiffs heading. Such countries shall be enmneratod in tiffs note whenever the USTR issues a Federal Register notice as described hereke. Paticles covered by the provisions of this note shall be eligible to enter the customs territory of the United States free of quantitative limitations." (a) The article description of heading 9802.00.80 is modified by inserting immediately after "heading 980200.90" the expression "and goods imported under provisions of subchapter XIX of this chapter". (b) The Rates of Duty 1-Special subcolumn for such heading is modified by inserting below the last rate in such subcolumn the expression "Free, for qualifying articles from sub-Saharan African countries enumerated in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter". (3). The following new subchapter XIX is inserted in chapter 98 of the HTS, together with its U.S. notes and tariff provisions: "SUBCHAPTER TEXTILE AND APPAREL OOODS ELIGIBLE FOR SPECIAL TARIFF BENEFITS 1R-II)ER TffE AFRICA GROWTH AND OPPORTUiqlTy ACT U S. Notes I For purposes of this subchapter, the tariff treah\177nent provided herein shall be accorded only to textile and apparel articles that are described in such subheadings and imported directly into the customs tenitory of the United States t?om those beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries previously designated by proclamation which have subsequently been determined in a Federal Register notice issued by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to have satisfied the requirements of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (title I ofPub. L\177 No. 106-200) anti therefore should be afforded the tariff treatment authorized in such Act and set forth in the provisions of tids subchapter. Such com\177tries shall be enumerated in this note whenever the USTR issues a Federal Register notice as described harem. Such articles shall be eligible to enter flee of duty and flee of any quantitative lhintations, except as provided in the notes to this subchapter 2 (a) hnports of apparel articles rotder subheadings 9819.11.09 and 9819.11.12 shall be limited, in the period beg\177mm\177g on the date osmounced in a notice published hi the Federal Register by the United States Trade Representative and continuing through the close of September 30, 2001, to an aggregate quantity not to exceed 1.5 percent of the aggregate square metor equivalents of all apparel articles imported into the IJnlted States in the preceding 12-1nonth period tbr which data are available. Of that aggregate quantity, an arnotrot not to exceed 1 percent of such aggregate square meter equivalents shall be eligible to enter under such subheadings during the period beginning on the date announced in such Federal Register notice and continuing through the close of December 31,2000. The remaining 0.5 percent of such aggregate square meter equivalents, together w\177th any quantity remaining untilled from the 1 percent eligible to enter prior to January 1, 2001, shall be eligible to enter under such subheadings during the period beginning on January 1,2001 mad continuing through the close of September 30,2001. (b) Such \177mports of apparel arhcles under subheadings 9819.11.09 and 9819.11.12 shall be limited, in each of the seven one-year periods beginning on October 1,2001, to an aggregate quantity not to exceed the apphcable percentage set thrall herein of aggregate square meter equivalents of all apparel articles imported lute the Urnted States in the preceding 12-month period for xvhich data are available: 157