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Proc. 7318

Title 3--The President Lands and interests in lands within the proposed monument not owned by the United States shall be reserved as a part of the monument upon acqui- sition of title thereto by the United States. The Secretary of the Interior shall manage the monument through the Bu- reau of Land Management, pursuant to applicable legal authorities (includ- ing, where applicable, the Act of August 28, 1937, as amended (43 U.S.C. 1181a-1181i)), to implement the purposes of this proclamation. The Secretary of the Interior shall prepare, within 3 years of this date, a management plan for this monument, and shall promulgate such regula- tions for its management as he deems appropriate. The management plan shall include appropriate transportation planning that addresses the ac- tions, including road closures or travel restrictions, necessary to protect the obiects identified in this proclamation. The Secretary of the Interior shall study the impacts of livestock grazing on the obiects of biological interest in the monument with specific atten- tion to sustaining the natural ecosystem dynamics. Existing authorized per- mits or leases may continue with appropriate terms and conditions under existing laws and regulations. Should grazing be found incompatible with protecting the obiects of biological interest, the Secretary shall retire the grazing allotments pursuant to the processes of applicable law. Should grazing permits or leases be relinquished by existing holders, the Secretary shall not reallocate the forage available under such permits or for livestock grazing purposes unless the Secretary specifically finds, pending the out- come of the study, that such reallocation will advance the purposes of the proclamation. The establishment of this monument is subiect to valid existing rights. Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to enlarge or diminish the iurisdiction of the State of Oregon with respect to fish and wildlife manage- ment. Nothing in this proclamation shall be deemed to revoke any existing with- drawal, reservation, or appropriation; however, the national monument shall be the dominant reservation. Warning is hereby given to all unauthorized persons not to appropriate, in- iure, destroy, or remove any feature of this monument and not to locate or settle upon any of the lands thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of }une, in the year of our Lord two thousand, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-fourth. WILLIAM J. CLINTON 1oo

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