Title 3—The President
Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as amendments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are placed as
close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting requirements.
Provisions that become obsolete before the revision date stated on the cover
of each volume are not carried. Code users may find the text of provisions in
effect on a given date in the past by using the appropriate numerical list of
sections affected. For the period before January 1, 1986, consult either the List
of CFR Sections Affected, 1949–1963, 1964–1972, or 1973–1985, published in seven separate volumes. For the period beginning January 1, 1986, a "List of CFR Sections
Affected" is published at the end of each CFR volume.
A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate
volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR INDEX AND FINDING AIDS.
This volume contains the Parallel Table of Statutory Authorities and Agency
Rules (Table I), and Acts Requiring Publication in the Federal Register (Table
II). A list of CFR titles, chapters, and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies
publishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.
An index to the text of "Title 3—The President" is carried within that volume.
The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index
is based on a consolidation of the "Contents" entries in the daily Federal Register.
A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the
revision dates of the 50 CFR titles.
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Code of Federal Regulations.
For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume,
contact the issuing agency. The issuing agency's name appears at the top of
odd–numbered pages.
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