Title 3—The President
The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent
rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies
of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent
broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each title is divided into chapters
which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further subdivided into parts covering specific regulatory areas.
Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year and issued
on a quarterly basis approximately as follows:
Title 1 through Title 16
as of January 1
Title 17 through Title 27
as of April 1
Title 28 through Title 41
as of July 1
Title 42 through Title 50
as of October 1
The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each volume.
The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially noticed (44
U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie evidence of the text
of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510).
The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual issues
of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used together to deter-
mine the latest version of any given rule.
To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its revision date
(in this case, January 1, 1999), consult the "List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA),"
which is issued monthly, and the "Cumulative List of Parts Affected," which
appears in the Reader Aids section of the daily Federal Register. These two lists
will identify the Federal Register page number of the latest amendment of any
given rule.
Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal Register
since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source citations for the regulations are referred to by volume number and page number of the Federal Register
and date of publication. Publication dates and effective dates are usually not
the same and care must be exercised by the user in determining the actual effective date. In instances where the effective date is beyond the cut-off date for
the Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective date. In those
instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register states a date cer-
tain for expiration, an appropriate note will be inserted following the text.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96–511) requires Federal agencies
to display an OMB control number with their information collection request.