Three Speeds Forward
and a fur coat with a big collar, and so concerned and helpful and kind, that, if he had been Albert, papa would scarcely have been more delighted.
"Here's an angel from heaven," said papa genially, by way of introduction, "and we are going to be tied on behind and towed home."
Mr. Marsden raised his hat, and begged permission to ask a few questions about our car.
"I've had a great deal of experience," he said, "and if she hasn't a fracture anywhere, perhaps I can find out what's the matter, and put it right."
Papa gazed at him with grateful incredulity, and then talked carburetor and gasoline line for a solid five minutes. He had learned an awful lot in that hour, and rattled it off like an expert.
"Permit me to look at the carburetor," said Mr. Marsden, as though he was asking the greatest favor. Papa graciously said he might, and held the lamp while Mr. Marsden jumped the plunger up and down, and thought