Then he went up to the sick man and took him by the hand, and looked steadfastly in his face and said, "Thou art fortunate—thou wilt not die of this disease."
And another plague-stricken wretch near him begged with parched lips for water, but he said, "Too late!" and turned to Daphne.
"Take care it is not too late for thee! We have already more than enough who are willing to go. Still it vexes me to leave the loveliest to black death, and to save others. What more dost thou desire to know or to make me promise?" and he seemed to speak and look in a more kindly manner than before. And suddenly through Daphne's mind there flashed the words of the poet, "Rather would I live on earth as the hireling of another with a landless man who had no great livelihood, than bear sway among all the dead that be departed." Then she said, "Promise me one thing. Swear