as much as possible in the presence of God, and frequently aspire to him by short ejaculations. Read spiritual books often, as letters or messages sent to thee from heaven; and if thy circumstances permit, assist daily at the sacrifice of the Mass.
8. Frequent the Sacraments, at least once a month, and take especial care to prepare thyself to receive them worthily.
9. Have a great devotion to the Passion of Christ, and often meditate on his sufferings.
10. Be particularly devout to his blessed mother; take her for thy mother, and seek upon all occasions, her protection and prayers; but learn withal to imitate her virtues.
11. Let not a day pass without offering to God some acts of contrition for thy past sins; and strive to maintain in thy soul a penitential spirit.
12. Study to find out thy predominant passion, and labour with all thy power to root it up.
13. Beware of self-love as thy greatest enemy; and often use violence to thyself by self-denials and mortification; remember the kingdom of heaven is not to be taken but by violence. St. Matt. xi. 12.
14. Give alms according to thy ability: For judgment without mercy to him that has not done mercy. James ii. 13. Set a great value upon spiritual almsdeeds, by striving all thou canst to reclaim unhappy sinners; and for that end daily bewail their misery in the sight of God.
15. Be exact in all the duties of thy calling, as being to give an account one day to that great Master, who has allotted to each one of us our respective station in his family.
16. Remember always thy last end, and thou shalt never sin. Eccl. vii. 40.