It is essential that the greatest possible secrecy be maintained, both in forming the organization and in conducting it, and that all arrangements must be kept as confidential as is practicable, and, further, that great care must be taken by your entire organization at all times that nothing is done by it or by any member of it to unnecessarily alarm aliens in this country or cause them any apprehension as to the fair manner in which they will be treated, and that no arrests should be caused excepting after consultation with the local Government Agent or his assistants.
You will personally administer the oath to each member you enroll and accept and at the same time assign to that member a number,—enter his number on his enrollment blank, his commission card and on the list you will later forward to this office. Start with Number One, which is your number as Chief.
It is advisable that you consult with the Chief of your local Police or ask your Government Agent to do so, so that the Chief of Police may instruct his officers fully in reference to our organization so that the commission card will be recognized by the Police in cases where such recognition is desired. You will, undoubtedly, find that your local Chief of Police will be very glad to work with your men wherever his assistance may be necessary in forwarding the interest of the Government.
It is the desire of the Government that every possible source of information that may be of value to the Department of Justice be thoroughly and efficiently covered by your organization in your town and you will please use great care in the selection of the Captains, Lieutenants and members of each Company so that each Company can be depended upon to efficiently handle the work assigned to it.
In forming your organization, bear in mind the great variety of investigation that you are likely to be called upon by the Government to make, and make your organization large enough to thoroughly cover every business, manufacturing and other interests in your town that in your opinion should be covered—so that you will be immediately informed of any activity that may prove directly or indirectly unfriendly to the best interests of the Government.
You will handle the organization work along the most effective lines possible. If convenient to do so please confer with your Government Agent on the entire organization work. It is unnecessary to call your attention to the fact that the greatest possible speed consistent with thorough and efficient organization is greatly desired by the Government.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) A. M. BRIGGS,
General Superintendent.