The following was the first national summons sent out by
Mr. A. M. Briggs in the early days of the American Protective
I have been authorized by the United States Department of
Justice, Bureau of Investigation, to organize confidentially in your
town, a division of the American Protective League. You have
been recommended to me as a man possessing the necessary qualifications
to successfully organize and command the organization,
and I will be glad to have you accept the responsibility of building
the organization in your town and acting as its Chief.
The object of the American Protective League, which is entirely a patriotic one, no member of which receives any compensation whatever for his services, is to work under the direction of the United States Department of Justice, Bureau of Investigation, in assisting the Department in securing information of the activities of agents of foreign governments, or persons unfriendly to this government for the protection of public property, etc., and any other work that may be assigned to us by the Department at any time.
Each local organization or Division of the American Protective League will work under the direction of the Government Agent in charge of the nearest office of the Department of Justice—and as Chief of your local Division you will report daily or as often as necessary, personally or by telephone, telegraph or mail, to your nearest Special Agent of the Department of Justice.
Your organization should be made up only of American citizens of high moral character and good standing in your community who are willing to serve the organization from a purely patriotic motive and without compensation. Your organization will be in your charge as Chief and you will properly enroll and swear in each member of your organization on enrollment blanks which you will keep on file in your office. As soon as your organization is complete you will please forward me a duplicate list of your entire organization, with your name as Chief, with your Captains and Lieutenants and the men enrolled under each Captain.