entitled "Frank Weiss, alien enemy; Refusal to Register."
The story, as told by them, is as follows:
Having been informed that Weiss was a dangerous character,
we proceeded to his place of employment and asked for
an interview, which was granted by the superintendent of
the concern. We found Weiss busily engaged at his work,
told him our business and were informed that we could "go to"
so far as he was concerned, that he had not registered and
did not intend to do so, although he had been given seven
days in which to make up his mind or go to jail. We did
not argue the question with him but immediately took him
before the Special Agent in charge of the Department of
Justice, Harold L. Scott. Mr. Scott asked him what his
objection was to registering with his Local Board, as the law
required, to which Weiss answered:
"I have registered with the police and that is sufficient. I'm not a citizen of this country. I'm a subject of the Kaiser, and there's one thing sure—after this war is over, I'm sure going to leave this country. I've thought it all over and that's what I'm going to do."
U. S. Marshal Devanney happened to be present and explained to Weiss that the best thing for him to do was to register, telling him that he did not blame him for maintaining his allegiance to his own country; that he admired a man always for doing what he thought was right, but that he must conform to the laws of this country governing alien enemies.
All through the interview, Weiss's attitude was one of defiance, but he thought the matter over for a few minutes and then stated that he was willing to register with the Local Board. He was escorted to the Board by No. 145 and the Chairman asked:
"Mr. Weiss, where do you work and what salary do you earn?"
"I work at B
Machine Company and get eighty-five cents an hour; with overtime I make $100.00 per week.""Making such a salary as that, Mr. Weiss, don't you think you owe this country something? You could not possibly earn that much money in one week in Germany, could you?"
"No," replied Weiss, "but I'm a skilled mechanic and that's what they pay in this country, and I'm entitled to it."
"Yes," replied the Chairman, "but in view of the fact that this country affords you such good wages and allows you to send your children to the public schools, don't you think it your duty to at least comply with all the laws governing alien enemies such as you?"