War Department Cases.
Counter-Espionage for Military Intelligence.
Selective Service Regulations.
a. Under local and district boards 5,384
(All individual investigations of delinquents
and deserters and of those charged with any
violation of selective service regulations.)
b. In Slacker raids 3,726
c. Of local and district board members 47
d. Work or fight order 18 9,175
Character and Loyalty.
a. Civilian applicants for oversea service 1,013
b. Applicants for Commissions 61 1,074
Training camp activities 6
(Under Sections 12 and 13 of Selective Service
Law Regulations, p. 355.)
a. Liquor 587
b. Vice and prostitution 860 1,453
Camp desertions and absences without leave 175
Collection of foreign maps and photographs for Military
Intelligence Bureau—Pieces of matter (about) 1,500
Navy Department.
Counter-espionage for Naval Intelligence, including:
Wireless 42
Lights 9
Other signalling to submarines, etc 7 58
Food Administration.
Hoarding 33
Destruction 1
Waste 21
Profiteering 6 61
Fuel Administration.
Hoarding 25
Destruction 0
Waste 20
Profiteering 5 50