"I heard you," she exclaimed, "and it was well said.
I wish I could have said it myself."
Her commendation was sweeter to him than the crowd's applause.
"I'm glad you liked it," he replied. "I had a chance to stir those fellows up, and I took it. I know John would have been willing, and I'm sure you were."
"I'm willing to have anything done that will tend to bring this capitalistic crowd to their knees."
"Good! And what are you willing to do yourself?"
"Anything that I can."
"Good again! I have a little plan in mind by which you can be of vast help to us."
"I have my living to earn."
"You shall earn it. We will give you the opportunity. We need the assistance of a woman of your ability, in strong sympathy with the working classes."
"I am in sympathy; but, frankly, the strongest feeling in my mind at present is a desire for revenge."
He smiled and held out his hand to her. "You shall have it," he said. "I promise you."
"Then you may depend on me."
"When shall I come and talk it over with you?"
"Any day you choose."
He released her hand and went back among the bearers.
But he did not cease to look on her. Few women are beautiful when dressed in deep mourning. Nor would Mary Bradley have been beautiful had she not stood erect, with veil thrown back, with white teeth gleaming at her parted lips, with flashing dark eyes showing forth her woman's determination. As it was, Lamar thought that he had never seen a picture more fascinating. And if his plan did not fail, she would