when she came in sight of Ruth. "What in the world
brought you here?"
"I came to call on Mrs. Bradley," Ruth answered, quietly.
"Quite a coincidence," remarked Barry. "The last time I came here I found Farrar here. And this time I find his right hand helper here. There must be a conspiracy to get Mrs. Bradley into the Church."
"We're always conspiring to get people into the Church," said Ruth. "Mr. Lamar, let me introduce you to Miss Chichester, and Mr. Malleson."
"Malleson of the Malleson Manufacturing Company," explained Barry. "Vice-president, you know."
Lamar smiled grimly. "I am glad," he said, "to meet so distinguished a gentleman."
"Won't somebody please introduce me to Mrs. Bradley?" asked Miss Chichester plaintively.
"Pardon me!" replied Ruth. "I thought you knew each other. Mrs. Bradley, this is Mr. Malleson's friend, Miss Chichester."
Barry looked doubtful, but Miss Chichester did not demur to the form of the introduction. She bowed slightly and smiled.
"I'm glad to know you," she said. "Barry, that is Mr. Malleson, has told me about you. I believe you have had some very hard times, Mrs. Bradley." She took in the widow's very plain costume, and cast her eyes about the cheaply furnished room.
"Hard times come sooner or later, in one form or another, to every one," replied Mrs. Bradley. "I've simply been having mine now."
"But," continued Miss Chichester, "it must be so distressing to be so poor."
The widow's eyes flashed, but no resentment was discernible in the tone of her voice.
"I have plenty of company. Every one is poor on Factory Hill. Besides, so many people have been kind to me in my misfortune. Mr. Lamar has found con-