"That will be their loss; and one more assurance, to
my mind, that we are doing the will of our Master."
"That's easy enough to say; but how can you manage to carry on the work of the Church without the aid of Judge Bosworth, and Mr. Claybank, and Philip Westgate, and all those men who have always been so helpful and so—so splendid in every way?"
"You're crossing your bridges before you get to them. These men have not withdrawn their help. If the time comes that they do, another way will be found to carry on the work. This is one of the least of the problems that confront me."
"But, Robert, what will I do without the friendship and society of Mrs. Bosworth and Mrs. Claybank and Philip Westgate's mother, and all the other ladies who have been so perfectly lovely to me ever since I've been here? I can be good to women of another social grade, but I can't associate with them, and I must have my friends."
At last her grievance and her fear had formed definite expression. The one was personal and the other was selfish. She never rose above the level of her domestic and social environment. She never caught even a glimpse of the things for which he was fighting, as they presented themselves to his spiritual vision. He tossed his head impatiently as he replied:
"I do not think you need to borrow trouble. You will not be deserted on my account. But if, by any chance, matters should come to such a pass that you are socially outlawed because of my adherence to my duties as a Christian minister, then I trust you will accept the situation with fortitude, in the spirit of the martyrs, in order to advance the cause for which I shall be fighting."
"That's all very well for you to say, Robert. But you're a man and you can go out and fight and forget. And I'm a woman, and I'll have to stay at home, ostracized and deserted, and grieve myself to death. I was