< Page:The three colonies of Australia.djvu
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Lodging-house, a novel | 364 |
Lodgings in Melbourne | 362 |
Lord Grey on the convict system | 175 |
Lord Stanley and Mr. Cardwell | 164 |
Lord Stanley's appointment of a prothonotary | 119 |
Lowe's (Mr. Robert) pamphlet on the land orders | 187 |
Loyalty of the Australians | 34 |
Lunacy in New South Wales | 312 |
Lunatic Asylum, management of a colonial | 120 |
Lyre-bird, description of the | 282 |
Marine lodging-house, a | 364 |
M'Arthur (Mr. Peter) on the price of land | 125 |
M'Arthur's enterprise and success | 55 |
Macquarie, arrival of Governor | 58 |
Macquarie's colonial tours | 62 |
Macquarie the first talented governor | 60 |
Magistrate, a convict appointed as a | 61 |
Major Johnstone, trial of, at Chelsea | 58 |
Management of early convict ships | 33 |
Mania, result of the land | 123 |
Maneroo, discovery of | 201 |
Maneroo Plains, exploration of | 76 |
Manufactures in New South Wales | 316 |
Megapodius, engraving of the | 291 |
Melbourne, description of the city of | 278 |
Melbourne first planned out by Sir R. Bourke | 205 |
Melbourne, morality of the diggers in | 361 |
Melbourne to Ballarat, tandem drive from | 351 |
Merino ram, the | 54 |
Middle District, counties south and west of the | 254 |
Mines of South Australia | 294 |
Mitchell (Sir Thomas) and his works | 70 |
Morality in Melbourne | 361 |
Mound-building birds, family of | 289 |
Mount Alexander, foot journey to | 375 |
Mountains in New South Wales, list of | 250 |
Mount Alexander, first discovery of | 205 |
Mount Disappointment | 201 |
Moore (Mr.) on the land question | 125 |
Monument to La Perouse | 24 |
Mrs. Chisholm's appeal for her emigrants' "Home" | 136 |
Mrs. Chisholm's "Countess" | 140 |
Mrs. Chisholm's departure from the colonies | 153 |
Mrs. Chisholm's "Home" for female emigrants | 136 |
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial commissions | 153 |
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial statistics | 148 |
Mrs. Chisholm's registry-office | 139 |
Mudie's attack on Sir Richard Bourke | 105 |
Murray, steam traffic on the river | 288 |
Names of towns in New South Wales | 250 |
Native dog, sketch of the | 63 |
New Australian constitution, how received | 194 |
Newcastle, sketch of | 37 |
New constitution for New South Wales | 193 |
New South Wales, early incidents in | 32 |
New South Wales, early judicial system at | 32 |
New South Wales, first governor of | 24 |
New South Wales, first revolution in | 57 |
New South Wales, geographical sketch of | 249 |
New South Wales, history and origin of | 11 |
New South Wales, land mania in | 104 |
New South Wales, list of counties in | 250 |
New South Wales, new constitution for | 193 |
New South Wales, "Voluntary Statements" of the people of | 151 |
Nobs and snobs in South Australia | 239 |
Northern counties of New South Wales | 253 |
Nugget of gold, engraving of a large | 336 |
Obelisk to Flinders at Port Lincoln | 285 |
Objections to "indenting" emigrants | 394 |
Obnoxious Order in Council, withdrawal of the | 181 |
Official report on District Councils | 157 |
Ophir diggings, account of the | 341 |
Opossum, sketch of an | 374 |
Origin of transportation | 20 |
Overland journey between Adelaide and Mount Alexander | 377 |
Palmer, disgraceful cowardice of Captain | 49 |
Pamphlet, Mrs. Chisholm's first | 138 |
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