< Page:The three colonies of Australia.djvu
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Lodging-house, a novel364
Lodgings in Melbourne362
Lord Grey on the convict system175
Lord Stanley and Mr. Cardwell164
Lord Stanley's appointment of a prothonotary119
Lowe's (Mr. Robert) pamphlet on the land orders187
Loyalty of the Australians34
Lunacy in New South Wales312
Lunatic Asylum, management of a colonial120
Lyre-bird, description of the282
Marine lodging-house, a364
M'Arthur (Mr. Peter) on the price of land125
M'Arthur's enterprise and success55
Macquarie, arrival of Governor58
Macquarie's colonial tours62
Macquarie the first talented governor60
Magistrate, a convict appointed as a61
Major Johnstone, trial of, at Chelsea58
Management of early convict ships33
Mania, result of the land123
Maneroo, discovery of201
Maneroo Plains, exploration of76
Manufactures in New South Wales316
Megapodius, engraving of the291
Melbourne, description of the city of278
Melbourne first planned out by Sir R. Bourke205
Melbourne, morality of the diggers in361
Melbourne to Ballarat, tandem drive from351
Merino ram, the54
Middle District, counties south and west of the254
Mines of South Australia294
Mitchell (Sir Thomas) and his works70
Morality in Melbourne361
Mound-building birds, family of289
Mount Alexander, foot journey to375
Mountains in New South Wales, list of250
Mount Alexander, first discovery of205
Mount Disappointment201
Moore (Mr.) on the land question125
Monument to La Perouse24
Mrs. Chisholm's appeal for her emigrants' "Home"136
Mrs. Chisholm's "Countess"140
Mrs. Chisholm's departure from the colonies153
Mrs. Chisholm's "Home" for female emigrants136
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial commissions153
Mrs. Chisholm's colonial statistics148
Mrs. Chisholm's registry-office139
Mudie's attack on Sir Richard Bourke105
Murray, steam traffic on the river288
Names of towns in New South Wales250
Native dog, sketch of the63
New Australian constitution, how received194
Newcastle, sketch of37
New constitution for New South Wales193
New South Wales, early incidents in32
New South Wales, early judicial system at32
New South Wales, first governor of24
New South Wales, first revolution in57
New South Wales, geographical sketch of249
New South Wales, history and origin of11
New South Wales, land mania in104
New South Wales, list of counties in250
New South Wales, new constitution for193
New South Wales, "Voluntary Statements" of the people of151
Nobs and snobs in South Australia239
Northern counties of New South Wales253
Nugget of gold, engraving of a large336
Obelisk to Flinders at Port Lincoln285
Objections to "indenting" emigrants394
Obnoxious Order in Council, withdrawal of the181
Official report on District Councils157
Ophir diggings, account of the341
Opossum, sketch of an374
Origin of transportation20
Overland journey between Adelaide and Mount Alexander377
Palmer, disgraceful cowardice of Captain49
Pamphlet, Mrs. Chisholm's first138
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