117. Silurian Organism, Graptolite, etc., 431 118. Fucoid, 4S3 119. Fucoids, 434 120. Plant resembling Lycopodium clavatum, , 437 121. Parka decipiens, 449 122. Fossil Fern [probably), 450 123. Unnamed Fossil Plant, 4o0 124. Cyclopterus Ilibernicus, 458 125. New and peculiar Fern from Airdrie coal field, 464 126. Stigmaria, 485 127. The same, magnified, 465 128. Stigmaria, 466 129. Sphenopteris bifida, . . . 470 130. Conifers? • ... 475 131. Conifer Twigs, -476 132. Unnamed Fossil Plant, 478 133. Zamia,. • 479 134. Zamia, 480 135. Zamia of the Lias, ............ 481 136. Zamia of the Oolite, 481 137. Zamia resembling Z. lanceolata, ; 482 138. Fossil Cone, . . . . 483 139. Fossil Cone, . . 484 140. Helmsdale Fossil Plants, 485 141. Fossil Ferns in Helmsdale Deposits, 486 142. Unnamed FossU Plant, 488 143. Pecopteris obtusifolia, 489 144. Apparent Fern {neiv 490 145. Pachypteris, 4<j0 146. Phlebopteris, 491 147. Unnamed Fossil Plant, 492 148. Pentagon, illustrative of Fern allies, 493 119. Imbricated Stem, 494 150. Fo.ssil Plant (JH"e;«75c/aZe), 495 151. Dicotyledonous Leaf of the Oolite, 496 152. Fern, 497