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Cometary Astronomy, being only a branch of general Astronomy, has naturally no great amount of special literature attaching to it; but readers of this volume who may desire to add to their knowledge of comets may like to know what works to consult, so I append the titles of the chief of those in circulation. They are arranged in the order of date of publication.

Lubienitzki, S. De, Theatrum Cumeticum. 2 vols., fol. Amsterdam, 1668. [Contains accounts of 415 comets or supposed comets.]

Pingré, A., Cométographie; ou Traité historique et théorique des Comètes. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1783.

Gauss, C. F., Theoria motus Corporum Cælestium in sectionibus Conicis Solem ambientium. 4to. Hamburgi, 1809. [A German translation by C. Haase was published at Hanover in 1865; and a French translation by E. Dubois was published at Paris at about the same date.]

Arago, D. J. F., The Comet. Scientific notices of Comets in general, and in particular of the Comet of 1832. Translated by C. Gold. 8vo. London, 1833.

Olbers, W., Abhandlung über die leichteste und bequemste Methode, die Bahn eines Cometen zu berechnen ... von neuem herausgegeben von J. F. Encke. 8vo. Weimar, 1847.

Hind, J. R., The Comets: a descriptive Treatise upon those bodies, with a condensed account of the numerous modern discoveries respecting them; and a Table of all the calculated comets from the earliest ages to the present time. 8vo. London, 1852.

Arago, D. J. F., A Popular Treatise on Comets reprinted from 'Popular Astronomy', by Arago. Translated by W. H. Smyth and R. Grant. 8vo. London, 1861.

Kirkwood, D., Comets and Meteors: their phenomena in all ages: their mutual relations and the theory of their origin. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1873.

Cooper, E. J., Cometic Orbits: with copious Notes. 8vo. Dublin, 1852.

Carl, P., Repertorium der Cometen-Astronomie. München, 1864. [A very complete assemblage of comet orbits from b.b. 612 to 1864.]

Oppolzer, T. von, Lehrbuch zur Bahnbestimmung der Kometen und Planeten. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1870-80.

Guillemin, A., The World of Comets. Translated from the French by J. Glaisher. 8vo. London, 1877.

Galle, J. G., Verzeichniss der Elemente der bisher berechneten Cometenbahnen. Leipzig, 1894. [Comets from b.c. 372 to 1893, with copious notes.]

Bredichin, T., Mechanische Untersuchungen über Cometenformen. Ed. by R. Jāgermann. St. Petersburg and Leipzig, 1903. [A complete exposition of Bredichin's theories with an immense number of engravings and diagrams.]

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