The comets which might be included in a list with the adjective "remarkable" attached to it are very numerous; and I shall for the most part treat the word "remarkable" as applying rather to naked-eye peculiarities and splendour than to physical peculiarities revealed only by the use of the telescope. I must therefore limit myself to a selection, premising that Grant included the following as proper to be classed as "remarkable":—
1066 1106 1145 1265 1378 1402 1456 |
1531 1556 1577 1607 1618 1661 1680 |
1682 1689 1729 1744 1759 1769 1811 |
1823 1835 1843 1858 1861 |
Grant's list was, if I remember right, put forth in a lecture which he gave at the Royal Institution in 1870, and the additions which should be made to it to represent the period 1870-1909 are singularly few, the chief of them being the Comet of 1874 (iii.), best known as Coggia's Comet; and the Comets of 1881 (iii.), and 1882 (iii.); but the large comets which appeared in the Southern hemisphere in 1880 (i.), 1887 (i.), and 1901 (i.) have some claim to notice. By the