Halley's Comet.
sufficiently bright to attract general notice till the end of the month. A tail was first seen on Sept. 24, and during October the comet was more or less conspicuous, but observers differed very much in their estimates of the maximum length of the tail. The average of the estimates would seem to have been from 20° to 25°, though one observer did put it at 30°. The comet was lost to view about the time of perihelion passage disappearing below the S. W. horizon, and having, according to most accounts, lost its tail before the comet itself was lost to view. After the perihelion passage the comet was again observed at some of the southern observatories of Europe and at the Cape of Good Hope from Dec. 30 to the middle of May 1836.
Smyth's observations deserve to be quoted. Under the dates of Oct. 10 and 11 he wrote:—
The observations made at the Cape of Good Hope by Maclear disclose a succession of phenomena somewhat calculated to chill the enthusiasm of any who may be expecting great things of Halley's Comet in 1910. However, that is no reason for suppressing the observations. Though the perihelion passage took place on Nov. 15, 1835, Maclear did not begin to see the comet, or at any rate to record what he saw,