"And, look here, Dickums," said Gordon, "you
want to remember that we can't hire a coach if we can find one. It's up to you!"
"Where would I find time to study or do any work?" asked Dick irresolutely. "If I went into this I'd want to go in with both feet."
"Of course you would!" responded George encouragingly. "But a couple of hours in the afternoons from now to the eighteenth of November wouldn't matter."
"Do you think two hours a day was all that Joe Farrell gave to football?" asked Dick grimly.
""Say, Lanny, who put this into your head?"
Lanny grinned sheepishly. "Louise Brent," he answered. "But she said she was surprised I hadn't thought of it myself, and, by Jove, Dick, so I am!"
"I thought of it a week ago, didn't I, Dick?" asked George eagerly. "Remember that first afternoon of practice? I asked you then
""No post-mortems, George," said Lanny. "That's settled then, eh, Dick?"
Dick smiled ruefully and gazed a moment at his crutches. "How would I look," he asked, "driving a team on those things?"