"Well," replied the other, as he stumped cautiously
down the steps, "it's the general who watches the battle through a pair of field glasses who sees best what's going on. Clearfield needed a general. It was a good fight on Clearfield's part, but there was an unnecessary loss of lives!"
"Oh, you mean we needed a coach!"
"Badly," said Dick.
"Then—then why don't you do it?" exclaimed Louise. "Dick! Why don't you?"
"Oh, you mustn't think that just because I can criticize I could have managed that game any better," laughed Dick. "Almost anyone can be a critic, but football coaches are a scarce article, Louise."
"Just the same, I believe you could, Dick! And I think it's funny Lanny hasn't thought of it!"
"I don't," Dick replied. "I'd think it funny if he did, considering that I've never played it and have to toddle around on a pair of sticks!"
"That has nothing to do with it," replied Louise convincedly. "I shall speak to him about it right away. Isn't it perfectly fine that I thought of it?"