"No, don't let her take the arm-chair," begged
Louise. "She'll be sure to set it down and go to sleep in it. What are you going to carry?"
"I thought I'd take the small chair," replied Dick gravely. "I'm very unselfish, you see. I leave the larger honors to the rest of you."
"Yes, larger and heavier," laughed the girl. "There they come again! Do you know, I sort of half wish Highland Hall would score, Dick? They're such nice-looking boys, and their uniforms are so stunning!"
"They've certainly got us beaten on appearance," said Dick. "Hello, Lanny's sending the same fellows back."
"Shouldn't he?"
"There's no law against it, only, with a lead of thirteen points, it seems to me it would be a good chance to let some of the subs smell gunpowder. I guess he knows what he's doing, though."
"I do hope he has a successful season," said Louise. "I like Lanny, and he always works so hard at everything that he deserves to win."
"He's pretty well handicapped just now. The team really does need a coach, and the Athletic Committee didn't make any kind of a popular hit with