to Morris, the latter duplicating his sister's subscription.
"Seems to me," said Morris, as he handed the pen to May Burnham, "May should have headed it. She started the trouble."
"Of course!" agreed Louise. "Perhaps there's room above Lanny's name. Is there?"
"Yes, but I'd rather not," replied May. "I'll write here, and"—she looked around almost defiantly—"I believe I'll say three instead of two!"
"Then I will!" exclaimed Nell. "We don't have to pay for four weeks, do we?"
"We'd ought to pay when we sign, I think," said Dick, "but I can't, and so I don't insist."
"Neither can I," said Lanny. "Who's next? Has Gordon signed? Be a sport, Gordie, and put down a hundred!"
"I'm doing it," answered Gordon, "only I'm putting a dot where it will do the most good."
When the list was finally returned to Louise that young lady exclaimed delightedly, "Why, we've got twenty-one dollars already! Isn't that fine?"
"Enough to get the easy-chair!" said Nell. "Why, at this rate it won't take us any time to get it all!"