us. That's a mean attack of theirs, Dick; you
can't size it up."
"I know, but you've got to watch the ball, Lanny. You can't tell where the play's coming by guessing. Another thing, fellows. It won't do to spread your backs too much near goal. Better play your ends well out and force the runner in, and keep your backs behind center. They haven't any running game that we need fear, I think. Of course they'll try to spring something this half, and we'll have to be on the watch for it, but, whatever you do, Lanny, and you, Chester, don't let them score on a line play! They can't if you charge quick and watch the ball. And, Chester, you're not getting your plays off fast enough. I want to see things go twice as fast this half. It's their kick-off this time. Let's see if we can't take that ball straight down the field, fellows. I'll tell you frankly that you haven't been putting up half the game you did against Weston or Lesterville. You've got to wake up and fight, that's what you've got to do. I'm well enough satisfied with what's happened so far. We've let them work themselves pretty tired, I guess, and we've held them off. But for the rest of the game we've got to jump and smear them. We've got to force the fighting, fel-