Dick's jurisdiction, but George was so perplexed
that Dick gave his mind to the problem for a moment.
"There wouldn't be time before two-fifteen to get seats up, George," he answered after an instant's reflection. "Call up Mr. Grayson and see if he will let you have half a dozen rows of chairs from assembly hall. I think he will if you tell him your fix. You can put them along the front of the Springdale section."
That was but the beginning of the telephone's activity. Chester called up next, and after him George Cotner again. George was now in a condition of sputtering wrath. The Springdale manager had just telephoned that Wonson, the man who was to have umpired the game, couldn't officiate, owing to illness, and could Clearfield find some one to take his place. Springdale would be satisfied with anyone selected.
"Get right after Mr. Cochran, George. Try the Y.M.C.A. first. If he's not there run around to his house on D Street; the white house near the corner of Lafayette. I think he will do it. How about the seats?"
"They're all right. I'm trying to get hold of