While Fudge, completely exhausted, was
being restored to usefulness, Captain
Nostrand converted the six points to
seven by an easy goal. And before Fudge, assisted
by admiring team-mates, had reached the bench the
game was over, High School had won, 13 to 6, the
North Siders were dejectedly leaving the field and
Fudge had leaped into fame! A full eighty-five
yards, they called that run, which, allowing for slight
exaggeration born of enthusiasm, it was. But Fudge,
with becoming modesty, insisted that it hadn't been a
foot over eighty-three! Back in the dressing-room,
having recovered breath and presence of mind,
Fudge rendered his version of the feat to a respectfully
attentive audience.
"I saw the fumble and tried to get through, but