the whole, the substitutes did good work. I'm sorry
we couldn't have won, Lanny, but the game showed us our weaknesses, and that's something. Now, what did you fellows learn at Springdale?"
"Mighty little," answered Lanny. "They got on to us and stalled all through the last half."
"What about the first half?" asked Dick.
"Weston played all around them in the first quarter. Used a lot of queer stunts from open formation, like double-passes back of the line, with an end breaking through or a half running wide. The plays weren't much, but Springdale didn't get on to them for a while. In the second period she opened her line out and dropped an extra man behind it. That worked better. She made her score by pretty clever work. Got off three dandy forward passes and mixed her plays up well."
"What formation did she use on attack?" asked Dick.
"Same as last year. For kicking she played her ends way out. It wasn't a fair test, though, for Weston is a light team and couldn't do much with the Springdale line. If she'd use that kicking formation against us we could smear her every time, I guess."